Optimal Wellness: 5 Steps to Improve Digestion & Immunity, Reduce Inflammation and Balance Your Hormones
With my 5 Steps to Optimal Wellness Program, you will rebuild your health from the bottom up. Each step on the path to wellness, will serve as a building block for the next.
Our first step will be to build a solid foundation, which is essential to reclaiming and achieving lasting health. We will also identify and remove any barriers to health and create an individualized program that supports healing for the whole body. Then we will improve your nutrition program, digestion, get your body to detoxify more deeply, improve immunity, reduce inflammation, balance your hormones, and support every system in YOUR body so that you can have the energy and vitality you need to live your life to the fullest.
Together, we will discover what is getting in the way of your health. We will look at all of those things that are causing cracks in your foundation. We will seal up those areas that are being drained and depleted of vital life energy.
Every step of the way, we will consider your whole health, and work to uncover the root cause of whatever is blocking you from feeling great every day and reaching the next level of wellness!
Achieving optimal health can be fun, and rewarding, are you ready to take the next step?
Step 1: Laying a Strong Foundation
In step one, we will ensure that you are meeting your basic nutritional and overall health needs. First and foremost, good nutrition must come from our diet. However, most of us are over-consuming sugar, processed foods, chemicals, caffeine, trans-fats, energy drinks and devitalized foods that have been stripped of all nutritional value. Furthermore, our overly processed diets lack the raw vitamins, minerals, and enzymes needed for optimal function and health.
I will teach you how to eat real food that feeds your body what it needs to THRIVE. Hippocrates, father of modern medicine, has been quoted as saying…”let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. Food can either contribute to our health, or contribute to our disease. However most of us are stuck in a rut. Food has become our cheap, quick energy fix, with poor quality ingredients. Our food, often times, is no longer food, by the time it hits our shelf.
Step 2: Finding Your Balance
Our chemical, structural and physical make-up comprises our constitution. Our constitution weakens with illness, poor nutrition and chemicals, resulting in susceptibility to great imbalances. Because all systems affect each other, and do no work independently of one another, it is important to be able to address the WHOLE person. We can regain homeostasis through various forms of therapies that help more than one system at a time and stimulate health and well-being.
Tibetan Acupressure and Symphony of the Cells are very powerful and effective modalities that can do this. They can facilitate change on a multi-dimensional level. They work on several processes or systems at once, including the nervous and immune system, and drive the body into healing at a faster rate. I recommend that you get these done weekly or 1-2 times per month at the beginning of your treatment to drive healing at a faster rate.
Benefits of Tibetan Acupressure:
Step 3: Gut Reboot
Allergies, autoimmune diseases, asthma, arthritis, bodily inflammation, bowel dysbiosis, IBS, IBD , skin problems, weight gain, headaches, energy slumps, metabolism slowdowns, leaky gut, joint issues, gas, bloating, malabsorption, yeast, bowel issues are all related to our gut health.
The average adult has 2-6 pounds of microbes in their gut. Our microbiota encodes 3.3 million genes. That’s almost 150 times more than the human genome. Many important metabolic functions in the gut are carried out exclusively by our microbiota.
Hippocrates told us 2000 years ago that "bad digestion is the root of all evil. Ongoing research confirms that the root cause for many undesired immune reactions originates in the Gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Our natural gut flora is responsible for keeping the bad guys out, like yeast, parasites, viruses and other pathogens. They also produce vitamins like Vitamin K, and are part of our immune system. Recent research is now showing that they produce neurotransmitters like serotonin and help regulate our mood. It is important that we keep them happy, alive and well and not damage them through repeated antibiotic use, vaccines, chemicals, toxins, stress, gluten and poor lifestyle.
Step 4: Happy Hormones
Hypothyroidism, Adrenal Fatigue, Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, High Cholesterol, Menopause, Perimenopause, PMS, Andropause, Low libido, erectile dysfunction, PCOS, Depression, Anxiety are all related to an imbalance in our hormones.
Many of our hormone imbalances can be traced to our diets and an excessive consumption of processed sugar, and not enough good healthy protein and fats with our meals. We are now consuming upwards of 150-240lbs of sugar per year. A lot of this sugar is coming in the form of high fructose corn syrup, processed white flour (breads, pastas, bagels, cookies, cakes, pancakes, etc.) and processed white sugar. We are addicted to sugar! Sugar produces an opiate like effect on the brain, and also triggers the release of dopamine, the hormone that makes us feel good. These chemical changes to our brain and nervous system is so strong, that some people can experience withdrawal when they get off sugar. Additionally, the more sugar you eat, the stronger your cravings. Additionally, sugar is very inflammatory and feeds cancer and yeast, creating challenges for our immune and digestive systems.
Our first step will be to build a solid foundation, which is essential to reclaiming and achieving lasting health. We will also identify and remove any barriers to health and create an individualized program that supports healing for the whole body. Then we will improve your nutrition program, digestion, get your body to detoxify more deeply, improve immunity, reduce inflammation, balance your hormones, and support every system in YOUR body so that you can have the energy and vitality you need to live your life to the fullest.
Together, we will discover what is getting in the way of your health. We will look at all of those things that are causing cracks in your foundation. We will seal up those areas that are being drained and depleted of vital life energy.
Every step of the way, we will consider your whole health, and work to uncover the root cause of whatever is blocking you from feeling great every day and reaching the next level of wellness!
Achieving optimal health can be fun, and rewarding, are you ready to take the next step?
Step 1: Laying a Strong Foundation
In step one, we will ensure that you are meeting your basic nutritional and overall health needs. First and foremost, good nutrition must come from our diet. However, most of us are over-consuming sugar, processed foods, chemicals, caffeine, trans-fats, energy drinks and devitalized foods that have been stripped of all nutritional value. Furthermore, our overly processed diets lack the raw vitamins, minerals, and enzymes needed for optimal function and health.
I will teach you how to eat real food that feeds your body what it needs to THRIVE. Hippocrates, father of modern medicine, has been quoted as saying…”let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. Food can either contribute to our health, or contribute to our disease. However most of us are stuck in a rut. Food has become our cheap, quick energy fix, with poor quality ingredients. Our food, often times, is no longer food, by the time it hits our shelf.
- Uncover and correct any underlying digestive issues so that you no longer have to live with chronic allergies, bloating, indigestion, constipation, anxiety, depression etc. and you can feel like your best self.
- Identify which foods will create more energy and FEED your mind and body so that you feel more alive and vibrant!
- Learn what is causing inflammation in your body so that you can become pain free, improve sleep and weight, and support overall health.
- Learn what is at the heart of your skin issues, and how to support the detoxification process so that you can finally glow from the inside out.
- Identify environmental exposures from your environment so that we can reduce the toxic burden and free up the liver and halt the aging process.
- Identify any flora imbalances and optimize your immune function.
- Balance blood sugar and all hormones
- Eliminate brain fog, and inability to focus and concentrate.
Step 2: Finding Your Balance
Our chemical, structural and physical make-up comprises our constitution. Our constitution weakens with illness, poor nutrition and chemicals, resulting in susceptibility to great imbalances. Because all systems affect each other, and do no work independently of one another, it is important to be able to address the WHOLE person. We can regain homeostasis through various forms of therapies that help more than one system at a time and stimulate health and well-being.
Tibetan Acupressure and Symphony of the Cells are very powerful and effective modalities that can do this. They can facilitate change on a multi-dimensional level. They work on several processes or systems at once, including the nervous and immune system, and drive the body into healing at a faster rate. I recommend that you get these done weekly or 1-2 times per month at the beginning of your treatment to drive healing at a faster rate.
Benefits of Tibetan Acupressure:
- Relieves chronic and localized pain
- Boosts the immune system
- Stimulates circulation and the lymphatic system
- Reduces stress and balances the Autonomic Nervous System
- Alleviates depression and anxiety
- Reduction in post-operative stress and side effects of cancer treatment
- Stimulates detoxification
- Improves energy
- Improves digestion
- Improves sleep
- Can be used to induce labor and facilitate childbirth
- Helps the body achieve homeostasis/balance in all systems of the body.
- Reduces stress and supports nervous system health
- Balances hormones
- Reduces inflammation and symptoms associated with it including pain
- Stimulates detoxification
- Reduces oxidative stress, and improves cellular vitality
- Boosts the immune system, both in acute and chronic conditions.
- Emotional balancing- essential oils directly communicate with the emotional control center of our brain, and regulate mood.
- Reduces pathogenic load- including viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.
- Improves texture and quality of skin
Step 3: Gut Reboot
Allergies, autoimmune diseases, asthma, arthritis, bodily inflammation, bowel dysbiosis, IBS, IBD , skin problems, weight gain, headaches, energy slumps, metabolism slowdowns, leaky gut, joint issues, gas, bloating, malabsorption, yeast, bowel issues are all related to our gut health.
The average adult has 2-6 pounds of microbes in their gut. Our microbiota encodes 3.3 million genes. That’s almost 150 times more than the human genome. Many important metabolic functions in the gut are carried out exclusively by our microbiota.
Hippocrates told us 2000 years ago that "bad digestion is the root of all evil. Ongoing research confirms that the root cause for many undesired immune reactions originates in the Gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Our natural gut flora is responsible for keeping the bad guys out, like yeast, parasites, viruses and other pathogens. They also produce vitamins like Vitamin K, and are part of our immune system. Recent research is now showing that they produce neurotransmitters like serotonin and help regulate our mood. It is important that we keep them happy, alive and well and not damage them through repeated antibiotic use, vaccines, chemicals, toxins, stress, gluten and poor lifestyle.
- Cleanses the lower gastrointestinal tract
- Creates a healthy intestinal environment to maintain proper intestinal flora
- Improve nutrient breakdown, absorption and assimilation into the body
- Heal the lining of the GI tract.
- Eliminate yeast, parasites and other pathogens
- Eliminate toxins
- Support healthy immune function
- Re-establish a health population of good flora
- Improve digestion
- Improve mood, energy and vitality!
Step 4: Happy Hormones
Hypothyroidism, Adrenal Fatigue, Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, High Cholesterol, Menopause, Perimenopause, PMS, Andropause, Low libido, erectile dysfunction, PCOS, Depression, Anxiety are all related to an imbalance in our hormones.
Many of our hormone imbalances can be traced to our diets and an excessive consumption of processed sugar, and not enough good healthy protein and fats with our meals. We are now consuming upwards of 150-240lbs of sugar per year. A lot of this sugar is coming in the form of high fructose corn syrup, processed white flour (breads, pastas, bagels, cookies, cakes, pancakes, etc.) and processed white sugar. We are addicted to sugar! Sugar produces an opiate like effect on the brain, and also triggers the release of dopamine, the hormone that makes us feel good. These chemical changes to our brain and nervous system is so strong, that some people can experience withdrawal when they get off sugar. Additionally, the more sugar you eat, the stronger your cravings. Additionally, sugar is very inflammatory and feeds cancer and yeast, creating challenges for our immune and digestive systems.
- Eliminate toxins and chemicals that interfere with hormone function and balance
- Support the liver detox pathways and hormone metabolism
- Support healthy function of the ovaries, testes, pancreas, adrenal, hypothalamus, pituitary and thyroid glands.
- Decrease symptoms of menopause/PMS
- Improve energy
- Improves metabolism
- Improves sleep
- Improves libido
- You will learn where the cracks are in your foundation so that you can build a solid platform for health.
- Discover how to support your whole body, including the structural, mental/emotional and chemical components with acupressure and essential oils.
- Learn how to optimize digestion and balance gut flora using whole foods/herbs/essential oils.
- Discover if you have an underlying issue with yeast or an overgrowth of the “bad bacteria” so that you can clear these from your system and regain your energy.
- You will learn how to love your liver, and other organs of detoxification, so that you can gain more energy, clear the fog in your head, clear up chronic skin rashes and feel more vital.
- Learn what nutrients/herbs/whole foods balance your hormones so that you can feel great and more vibrant.
- Learn what nutrients/herbs/whole foods support your immune system and reduce inflammation so you can be pain free, manage your weight and reduce your risk for chronic illness
- Learn a process for dealing with stress and managing your emotions.